UW CSE Department Data Set

The experiments were conducted on a data set which consists of information about the University of Washington Department of Computer Science and Engineering.


Download the database here. The data has been anonymized to comply with the University of Washington's privacy guidelines. It is packaged as a .tar file, and contains a README explaining the contents


Professor(Person X)X is a professor
Position(Person X, Position Y)X has position Y
Student(Person X)X is a student
Phase(Person X, Phase Y)X is in Phase Y
YearsInProgram(Person X, Years Y)X has been here Y years
AdvisedBy(Person X, Person Y)X is Advised by Y
TempAdvisedBy(Person X, Person Y)X's temporary advisor is Y
Publication(Publication P, Person X)Person X is an author of paper P
TaughtBy(Course C, Person P, Quarter Q) Course C was taught by P in quarter Q
TA(Course C, Person P, Quarter Q) Course C was TA'd by P in quarter Q
CourseLevel(Course C, Level L) C is a level L course
Area(X, Area A) Item X belongs to area A. X could be a professor or a course. Note that this predicate is only used to help in splitting the data into sections (for AI, graphics, languages, systems, theory). Once the data is split, the Area() predicate is useless and hence removed.
SamePerson(Person X, Person Y)X and Y are the same person
SamePublication(Publication, Publication)...
SameCourse(Course, Course)...
SameProject(Project, Project)...
SameQuarter(Quarter, Quarter)...
SamePosition(Position, Position)...
SamePhase(Phase, Phase)...
SameYears(Years, Years)...


PhaseRefers to the student's phase in grad school post_Quals
LevelRefers to the level of the course level_100 (intro courses 100, 142, 143)
level_300 (undergrad courses - junior level)
level_400 (advanced undergrad courses - senior level)
level_500 (grad level courses)
PositionRefers to the type of faculty for various professors faculty
YearsJust used to say how many years a person has been in the program year_1
PersonIncludes professors and students...
PublicationA conference or journal publication...
CourseClasses offered by the department...
QuarterIdentifier for the year and quarter(e.g. autumn_0203)


Here's an example of what the db knows about me (the numbers after colons are type specifiers)
Area(mattr:1 , ai:2 )
AdvisedBy(mattr:1 , pedrod:1 )
Phase(mattr:1 , post_Generals:9 )
YearsInProgram(mattr:1 , year_7:10 )
TA(cse546:4 , mattr:1 , autumn_0304:6 )
Student(mattr:1 )
Publication(p54689:3, mattr:1 )
Publication(p196733:3, mattr:1 )
Publication(p199605:3, mattr:1 )
Publication(p215879:3, mattr:1 )
Publication(p286055:3, mattr:1 )
Publication(p333613:3, mattr:1 )
Publication(p473843:3, mattr:1 )
Publication(p476417:3, mattr:1 )
Publication(p488904:3, mattr:1 )